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Shrines of Goa: Materiality, Transience, Resilience


· Alexander Henn Arizona State University (Phoenix, United States of America)


07/27 | 14:10-14:30 UTC+2/CEST


In this paper I will explore the materiality of Hindu and Catholic shrines in Goa as an issue that historically determined convergence, competition, and conflict between the two religious traditions. In a first step I will compare ideological (theological) and practical (political) conventions and policies from both traditions with regard to the materiality, iconicity, and localization of shrines. This will include examples of conflict (iconoclasm), competition (contiguity) and convergence (overlapping) between traditions and shrines. In a second step I will discuss how issues of materiality influenced the appreciation, transience and resilience of Goan shrines in the light of historically changing and culturally differing understandings of the concept of ‘religion’.