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Mystical Ontology or the Lack Thereof: A Hermeneutical Critique of Agehananda Bharati's Conceptualization of Mysticism


· Christopher Helton None (Kosice, Slovakia)


07/27 | 12:00-12:20 UTC+2/CEST


This paper will examine the theoretical reification of the mystical experience put forward by Austrian-born scholar Agehananda Bharati, particularly in his work “The Light at the Center,” from the perspective of the hermeneutic of a Western “convert.” The author aims to contextualize this reification within the Western orientalist-Indological hermeneutical continuum. This critique is intended to contribute to a broader body of research, undertaken by the author, dedicated to the unjustly overlooked life and work of this controversial and unorthodox scholar-sannyasin.